Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I swear, sometimes parents get a little too much, it feels like you're trapped in a corner, your knees pulled up against your chest and your head dropped between your knees. My dad is easier to deal with and easier to be around than my mum is, but being that I work with him and my sister of course too.. it just makes life easier when you can get along and the person doesn't react at everything.

My mother on the other hand drives me batty, she doesn't work and practically sleeps most the day, if not she's gone out to the gym or to get her hair done and sometimes she's running errands but not too often. Beyond this my sister just moved out, a month or two ago and she thinks she's now doing everything. I mean for someone that doesn't work and spends most her day sleeping I'm sure its not too hard to be able to do some washing or some cleaning and even cook dinner at night.

Randomly you get these little side comments of.. "now that your sister is gone, I seem to be doing more" Its like she thinks we never do anything around the house. Never mind that we work 9 - 6:30 every day almost. Fair enough, there's three women and one male in our house, when we come across something we clean it, empty the bin, empty the dishwasher etc but we don't all the time. sometimes we're working and we're only out for a drink.. does she expect us to do it in like.. literally two moments?

Things like this make me go meh, its like when you do something, you don't get a thank you and she really doesn't care but if you don't do something she sits and bitches at you forever, her nagging is so incredibly annoying for someone that thinks she does everything, I reckon she does more nagging than anything. Although what  can I say? - Sleeping is quite tiering.

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