Do we all see the problem here? There are very few posts that I have written that involve them, or even mention them. Maybe the post was written on something that happened with him/them but never were they mentioned or even brought into it, a lot of the time it was just my thoughts on the situation.. that's right, my thoughts..
I'd like to mention too, that from day one, when the first post was misinterpreted it was about a guy that I was really close with and a now 'ex' coming back into the situation, I was upset and a mess and someone was all sad saying that someone had died, some how that moved four days later to "I Love you" and ever since that shit hasn't stopped. I'd like to clearly point out that I Don't Love You and I haven't. Sure we were friends, we got close but in four days to say those words? bit creepy, don't you think?
I cared about you, you were my friend and nothing else, it was horrible seeing you suffer and I, out of kindness tried to help you as much as I could but now? now what? now you two make everything into drama, I could have ruined things between you two with just saying three words and you would have left her and come to me. but I didn't.. why didn't it? because I wanted nothing, and ever since you two have been together you've been trying to make it like I'm jealous and I want him. I don't think he's telling the truth on everything and she's just a stupid bitch for believing everything.
You're both as insecure as the other and you're driving me fucking crazy. Erase my name from the sentences you speak, don't think about me, don't love me and leave me alone for fuck sake.
I still have more proof about things that happened after the date of the '16th' but I'm not going to show anything more than that one paragraph , I'm not going to wreck anything and you can both live happily.. just quit the fucking drama.
Its not fair on me, but he's not treating her fair either. Clear your shit up and start fresh. Its doing my fucking head in already. Move the fuck along and quit thinking everything's about you, Its all happened now.. but don't let it happen again. it isn't fair to whoever the other person copping all this shit is.
Just incase you missed a very important point.. I'm over it, I want nothing more to do with either of you and I want ALL this drama to stop. Grow up, act your fucking ages.. I'm younger than you both. End it..
End the drama and live, live your own life how you wish, without including me in anything.