Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Armerica.. 00008 - THE END.. part 1

Home sweet home.
It feels so amazing to finally get off that 14 hour flight and  know that you're home, with the ones that you love and love you most, no matter how much they annoy you. Its amazing how much things change in such little time and how much you realise that you missed someone, when you see them. I don't like to admit, but I missed my twin a shit load, sure we've been away from each other but not for such a long time. she's like my second leg, without her i'm.. myself but I feel so empty. I also missed the huge bitch sessions we have. Hehe.

I was going to upload some picture from the trip and show some of what was taken, but I seem to be a little lazy at the moment. I will certainly get to that.. Oh and I still think Cali is amazing.


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