Monday, September 3, 2012

Work, Home, Work..

I feel so lost and lonely tonight, I feel like I'm dropping deeper and deeper into a deep, dark and scary place. I honestly don't know why this is happening nor why I'm feeling like this, but all I know that its horrible. Work lately has been disgusting, around certain people. Its becomming to hard to deal with, almost every day. These people don't even understand what they're doing and how they're acting, although they're always the first ones to blame it on someone else because their shit don't stink.

I understand that to these people they're only doing a job, at the end of the day they leave the office and walk out of our front door, they have no more worries, they don't have any stresses, they don't have wages to pay and each and every week they get their pay and y'know life is good.
But when do they realise that they work for a company? a small, family, business that depends on revieving moneys from their clients for their own staff to be paid? when will they realise that it comes to a time where the company won't be able to afford them?

Sometimes it makes me wonder what world people live in, what they think when they're at work and when they're talking, when they're doing stuff and if they ever do stop to think about others. Clearly this isn't the case, what so ever. Does no one care how they make people feel? do they not care how what they say affects the other person and how that person, being around can make a whole office feel so incredibly uncomfortable? Honestly, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Everyday I wake up in the morning, its like "just another day" another battle and another day of stress to get through. People don't understand in these little businesses that if the business isn't running, everything in the background, the people and the family are also stressing. Its not necessarily my problem nor my stress to worry about but for some reason, being concerned about family isn't too far away from under my wing. I do care, of course I care and I think in this certain circumstance, this silly bitch needs to be removed from the senario, or the work should be taken away from her so that the problems finally stop. I mean she wasn't hired for this.. but no matter how much I say, it doesn't matter most the time.

Everyone thinks I'm bias, because I hate her.. but there are several reasons for this, and they're actually genuine and actually, for once is more than just.. "I just hate her." Its so fucking frustrating, knowing that when you wake up, every day will be like the last, the office surroundings will feel horrible, because as soon as she walks through the door its like HUGE amounts of anger and frustrations radiating off her. She thinks she can say and do as she likes and pays no attention to anyone or anything else. I think its time for a reality check.. if only I could think of a subtle way of doing so..

*begins brain storming*

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