Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hmm, So the last month of so has been extremely stressful, very full on and I honestly felt like i was falling apart. Loads and loads of things have happened butI think I'm in a decent place for the moment.

First of all it began with weird ass pains, some issues with an Ex which obviously ended.. and then with the flu. It took about a week or randomly times rests to finally get better and in that time it seemed that the week it all happened up until today is also the week that a few people felt like reconnecting. I think its great. To get back in touch with great friends makes me happy.

To know that they're there again when you need them puts a smile on my face, sometimes it just makes life a whole lot easier to have people there for you, as I'm sure we all know. Its been a shitty couple of weeks but I'm hoping from today onwards the day will get better and be great. I can only hope!

That's all for now :)

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