Lets start with this 'greater power' that like to Dominate and tell some girl with no confidence what to do or say.. I understand that this is not always the case, but if it is the case SHAME ON YOU.
I think, all these "rules" that one must obey are completely crazy. I'm sure there's some sane way that you can do these things without making it extremely over the top and incredibly controlling that you make yourself look like the biggest dick head on earth.
Following on from this, of course it goes the other way too.. you have this sub that is all obeying and following the rules.. until it suits her, then suddenly, some how she has the Dom's balls wrapped around her little finger and she's telling who what and when and why.. instead of 'how it's supposed to be' ... #Dom&SubFail.
Domme - Another way a female can call herself a Bitch.
Most females that I have seen, online of course are the biggest, skankiest bitches on earth, they're so incredibly rude but some how these male/female subs/pets/slaves always seem to run to them. I don't understand how they can feel comfortable and trust someone that's so incredibly rude and asks some of the most ridiculous things from people.

Subs - ....

In saying all of this, I don't believe D/s relationships are bad, i'm not knocking them what so ever, i'm just simply stating the things that i dislike. I guess there's a different person for everyone and different rules that are discussed and sorted between the couple.. but I don't believe any relationship will be stable for a long time if there's only one voice between the pair, unless of course you like to be the one that walks into the room and sits at his feet, and listen, sleep, eat, use the bathroom at the sound of his words saying you can, and those words only.
Sometimes we must be strong, take our own path, walk alone a while and find out who we are, and what we stand for in the world...
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