I hate seeing friends in pain.. I hate seeing them fall apart and not knowing what they should do or how they should cope with things.. I hate not being able to be there to give them a hug or do more than just comfort them with words.. It's only so far they can go.
I have no laptop for a week, it's in for repairs and I decided to take it as a bit of time to myself, of course while I'm at work I'll still be around here and there and will also be there for the people that need me or I may need.. I mean these things always happen, you need your rocks just like everyone else.. I will say, that if I do begin to ignore anyone and drop into the background a bit don't worry and please do know that I'm always here for you.
If you need me.. The best way to contact me is by email.. If you don't have it and would like it, leave me a comment with yours and I'll send you an email which you can reply too, my comments are always approved first!
I feel so helpless, there's two people I wish I was with right now, comforting just being there for them to talk to.. Someone kinda out of the situation that understands and just cares like a friend should.. But I understand that they also need to go through this stuff for themselves and if they need me they will come.
I'll always be here to pick up the pieces.. I will always be here for you. Never forget my lovelies. You all mean so so much to me.
I love you all, such an amazing amount
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