Having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation).
A feeling, that happens often.. but not not often enough..
You choose.. the amount of smiles that comes over your face, the emotions you feel inside, you control how you feel and what makes you happy, sad, mad..
The first people you turn to, the ones you love.. the ones that always seem to get on your nerves.. and piss you off first.. yet the ones, you'll always love..
So.. being as i made my mind up now that i refuse to get into another long distance relationship, i've been playing it super safe on the internet, making sure not to talk to one person too much, getting to know everything about them, enjoying being in their company too much, or even as they say in the long term 'falling in love with them'.
I'm being super careful, holding back all emotions and just having fun. The fun where you just laugh and enjoy your time with those particular people, without any attatchments and just y'know,.. have fun.
it's been easy, easy to just say i'm here for laughs, for a good time and without expecting more from anyone or giving more.. its good when you can just relax around people and not obsess over them, or them obsessing over you..
Although i say this, there has been one recently where we have spoken an awful lot, watched movies together and pretty much just spent time, sometimes with a group of people but other times just alone.. i'm seriously keeping my eye on everything to see where and how it goes.. making sure not to wreck the relationship already established but make sure it dosent go any further. There's nothing worse then someone making you so happy.. but they're so far away you know there's posibility that you'll never meet..
So, i think.. do as you wish, go with the flow.. but dont let it throw you over the side, down into the waterfall. Think about it before you throw your head, body and soul into it.. and make sure to have a set and clear path..
It's amazing, in life.. who can get certain reactions from you.. who can make you sad, happy, angry.. content, who can make you numb and who can make you just speechless..
You are the most fucked up person in this world, if you had half a brain you would get the fuck over it, move on and get on with something better in life, i would never wish anything bad against you but if you don't get over it mighty soon you'll be super close. I'm so sick of you being so immature and childish, it's happened now and you need to move on.
So grow the fuck up, get the fuck over it and move the fuck along!
Wanting, Needing different things in life, moving down a different little path, leading to a big and mighty road.. knowing what needs to be done, but hanging onto it a little longer, dragging things out to make it more painful, for no one.. but myself.. it's like.. i love torture, dragging myself the long way through things, just because in the end 'i'm thinking about the other person,worrying about them getting hurt and not doing what i know is right for myself.. so... starting from a couple of weeks ago now.. its a Stop to everything i don't want, a Stop to peoples bitching, a Stop to me caring so much about everyone else and finally just caring about myself!
They say.. when you let go of the past, something better comes along.. it's true.. sometimes you may have to wait a while.. but something.. someone always comes.. no matter how long it takes..