Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm Back..

I've decided to start a new blog. To start fresh.

Wanting, Needing different things in life, moving down a different little path, leading to a big and mighty road..  knowing what needs to be done, but hanging onto it a little longer, dragging things out to make it more painful, for no one.. but myself..  it's like.. i love torture, dragging myself the long way through things, just because in the end 'i'm thinking about the other person,worrying about them getting hurt and not doing what i know is right for myself.. so... starting from a couple of weeks ago now.. its a Stop to everything i don't want, a Stop to peoples bitching, a Stop to me caring so much about everyone else and finally just caring about myself!

They say.. when you let go of the past, something better comes along.. it's true.. sometimes you may have to wait a while.. but something.. someone always comes.. no matter how long it takes..

So.. out with the old.. in with the new.. 
`the new me..

one of my favourites at the moment..


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