Monday, February 13, 2012


It is a bit long but it is defiantly  a good read. haha.

<ihateboston> yo
<Rahhh> boston hates you too
<ihateboston> noooo
<ihateboston> it loves me
<Rahhh> lies
<ihateboston> how is australia?
<Rahhh> its great, it loves me, but it hates you too
<ihateboston> do you lov the kangos?
<Rahhh> wtf is a kango?
<ihateboston> i like how they carry the young around in the sack
<ihateboston> kangoroo
<Rahhh> you mean a kangaroo?
<ihateboston> yes
<Rahhh> oh yes, we use their pouches as beds
<ihateboston> you do?
<ihateboston> you sleep in the big ons?
<Rahhh> yeah
<ihateboston> ones*
<Rahhh> they're really comfy.
<ihateboston> thats cool
<ihateboston> do you have sex in them
<Rahhh> its a bit gooey
<ihateboston> id do it
<ihateboston> do they walk around alot while you are sleeping or fucking?
<ihateboston> or hop around
<Rahhh> yeah
<Rahhh> they do
<Rahhh> its a bumpy ride
<ihateboston> sounds fun though
<ihateboston> do you keep them in your house sometimes?
<Rahhh> of course, we ride them into our bedrooms and use them as our beds
<ihateboston> and put them in your other bed and slp in them
<Rahhh> no they are our beds
<Rahhh> they sit in the corner
<ihateboston> ok so you dont have a bed for them to sleep in?
<Rahhh> sleep at the same time
<Rahhh> no
<Rahhh> they stand
<ihateboston> hmm, you should get them a bed, or atleast a chair to prop up in
<Rahhh> no
<Rahhh> they stand.
<ihateboston> I understand, but dont they get tired?
<Rahhh> no
<Rahhh> that's just how they are
<Rahhh> sometimes they lay on the side and you look all sideways
<ihateboston> what do you feed them?
<Rahhh> carrots
<Rahhh> steak
<ihateboston> kangaroo steak?
<Rahhh> yeah, they eat themselves O.o
<ihateboston> thats gross
<Rahhh> yeah could you imagine sucking yourself or something?
<ihateboston> ya i wish
<Rahhh> do you?
<ihateboston> i had kangaroo beef jerky one time
<ihateboston> do they talk with an accent too?
<Rahhh> yeah, they sound so hot. i fap to them every night.
<ihateboston> do they ever have sex with eachother while you guys are sleeping?
<Rahhh> no - we'd get get killed from all the rapid humping
<ihateboston> ok how do you stop them from doing it?
<Rahhh> they sleep too i told you
<ihateboston> oh ya
<ihateboston> thats fun
<ihateboston> have you ever been sleeping in one and it dies?
<Rahhh> no
<ihateboston> do you have to use the same one, or can you get a different one every once in a while?
<Rahhh> can you stop asking questions? you're hurting my head
<Rahhh> you're just jealous, aren't you?
<ihateboston> ok im sorry, im just very interestd and yes i am
<Rahhh> how old are you?
<ihateboston> 23
<ihateboston> im going to come visit aus some time, it sounds exciting
<Rahhh> You know how you have greyhound races?
<ihateboston> yes
<Rahhh> Well we have Kangaroo ones, but the jockeys, the rider guys are INSIDE the kangaroo's.
<ihateboston> that is cool
<ihateboston> im surprised you even have cars, you could just get around using them and save the environment
<Rahhh> They paint racing stripes down the sides.
<ihateboston> bullshit
<ihateboston> now you are lying to me
<Rahhh> But its illegal and so far underground that the races are like those dog fights.
<ihateboston> holy shit
<ihateboston> you would not want mike vick getting a hold of those poor creatures
<ihateboston> you dont put racing stripes on them though, no way
<Rahhh> red makes them go faster, no shit
<ihateboston> if i owned one of those, i would never get out of the sack
<ihateboston> until it died
<ihateboston> and i would get a new one
<ihateboston> what is the life span on one of those suckers
<Rahhh> well
<Rahhh> its a bit hard to go to the bathroom while sitting in your pouch
<Rahhh> your shit doesn't come out of his arse.
<ihateboston> id poop in it and scoop it out later
<ihateboston> and just stand up and piss out of it
<ihateboston> or diapers
<ihateboston> or make a little tube that comes out the bottom with a suction that sucks it all out, i would need to cut a little hole in the sack
<Rahhh> you can't cut a hole, it'd hurt the poor thing
<Rahhh> bleed to death
<ihateboston> what if i had a surgion do it though proper
<Rahhh> no
<ihateboston> its that sensative ,hmm well make i would just use diapers than
<Rahhh> well, that's always some good humiliation
<Rahhh> shitting and pissing on yourself
<Rahhh> how hot
<ihateboston> ya but i would throw them out of the sack after i was done everytime
<ihateboston> or i could probably just stand up and stick my ass out of it
<ihateboston> and do my bussiness
<Rahhh> then you'd get shit stuck to it
<Rahhh> and it'd always smell
<ihateboston> ya but i would always take it for a bath
<ihateboston> and scrub it
<ihateboston> and alot of body spray etc..
<ihateboston> and fill the pouch with flowers
<ihateboston> to keep it fresh
<Rahhh> flowers are way too pretty for that
<ihateboston> I would dress my kango too, with a suit and tie
<Rahhh> you serious?
<Rahhh> that's way cool!!
<ihateboston> ya def, it would be styling, so i could go to weddings and stuff in it
<Rahhh> bull shit! that soo can't be true.
<ihateboston> me and my wife would both get married in our kangos
<ihateboston> when we want to have sex, ill let her slip into mine
<Rahhh> that's nice
<ihateboston> i know, what do you do for fun
<Rahhh> ride my kangaroo
<ihateboston> besides that
<Rahhh> brb
<ihateboston> ok
<ihateboston> ill miss you
<Rahhh> i'lll miss you too, so will my kangaroo
* Rahhh hops off
<ihateboston> your kango would like me better than you i bet, i would feed it snacks all the time and fosters beer
<ihateboston> I would get hammered with my roo all the  time
<ihateboston> and go booze crusing
<ihateboston> hop back  on

*** ihateboston has gone offline.

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