Too early to move on with your life after someone else?
Of course if its just fresh, you're always thinking about him.. possibly what it could have been and where it could have gone. I know that I had high hopes for where things could have gone and what they could have been.. but as usual its in the heat of the moment and it never seems to go anywhere for whatever reason that there may be.
I know there's still a little sting, but I really think that his long, extended way of leaving kinda helped me along. I knew it was coming and although, when it came I was super upset.. now I'm either numb or I've moved on really quickly.. which I don't think happened because.. He was amazing. He was everything I needed and we learnt such huge amounts.
Its a shame about what happened, on his end and that things couldn't continue but.. as he said.. he wasn't giving me what I needed.. or deserve. So I guess life moves on. Of course he'll never be forgotten.. and he'll always have that special place but.. when is it okay to move on?
*ponders a little*
I've kept my blog to myself for a while now, while I was processing.. there wasn't many thoughts that I would write down, considering I was emailing him and.. they're all now deleted. Its a shame that I didn't keep copies of some of those emails because some were really great.
They were all so deep, so meaningful.
So I'm back now.. and I hope that things go well. Its just the beginning of a new journey and the close of an old. He'll always be around.. and I hope things get better for him.
Sounds a little open ended..but it'll do.
I'm back.